October 5th 2013 the day that celebrates the creation of the First Republic in Portugal

October 5th 2013 the day that celebrates the creation of the First Republic in Portugal

(comemorado na lingua original troikana) 
é da nossa vista? ou ao minuto 1:05 aparece aqui o dirigente da central sindical CGTP - conotada com os "comunistas" - Arménio Carlos misturado com a pandilha do costume?, vestindo os seus melhores fatos de gala enquanto ao melhor estilo fascista lixam o povo no secretismo dos seus gabinetes. As of this year, it is no longer a day off, thanks to the austerity, main political criminals attending: the President Aníbal Cavaco Silva, the Prime-Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, the Lisbon Mayor António Costa and the President of the Assembly Assunção Esteves. The protest was called by the Screw the Troika group, although they weren't the only ones attending
(publishing by www.Guilhotina.Info)



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